Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Jeppesen Sanderson Inc.

World Headquarters in Denver, I interviewed with a team that is looking for a Systems Engineer to join them.
Jeppesen creates pilot maps and now creates $120M in revenue with various digital navigation systems for planes and ships. Jeppesen is now a subsidiary of Boeing.

The products developed for use in aviation are subject to FAA approval and therefore must follow DO-178b and DO-200A. The project that I am interested in is a DO-178b class 'C' project which is considered a major problem if a failure in flight results but not catostrophic like a class A/B. Class 'C' requires absolute traceability of changes to the products and a fair degree of integration and testing; it doesn't seem to require independent testing.

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Program Manager

As a technical leader, I develop a talent pipeline that can deliver client's expectations in a motivating and productive environment.

I have performed multi-discipline engineering on space launch vehicles, satellite command and control software, electronic medical records, and large data center operations.

I am seeking additional opportunities to deliver solutions internationally

resume MBA-Bard Center

I have delivered management and technology consulting solutions for Deloitte, BearingPoint, Department of the Interior, TRICARE Military Health System, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Raytheon, Lockheed, Northrop, and Boeing on various projects in manufacturing, software development, systems engineering, testing, and ITIL management.