Thursday, October 4, 2007

Work - Life balance : inventory your childhood dreams

Life is something that we want to make the most of, but so many unfulfilling moments slip by and we can start to think that we've blown it.

What are your childhood dreams? Randy's was to become an NFL athlete. Let's recall yours, but first watch Prof. Randy Pausch's last lecture for inspiration:

What are obstacles? What's your obstacle? Can you circumvent the brick wall?

Here's a 10 brief of the lecture from the Oprah show: ">summary

He demonstrates how "if you live properly, the dreams will come to you."


Anonymous said...

Incredible "last" lecture!!

I wrote down 2 points I thought were wise (out of many):

"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted."

"Don't bail: the best gold is @ the bottom of barrels of crap."

Thank you!

How is he doing now?--is he still fighting cancer?

TestPilot said...

With his 'dark humor' it was so entertaining to hear two quotes from his mom.
While working on 'Theory Qualifier' studies for his doctorate and complaining to his mom, she responded with a "there, there, we understand how you feel; you're father was fighting the germans at your age."

Later she introduced her son as a 'doctor,' but not the kind that helps people!

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,
Even though it was anticipated, I am very sorry to hear about Prof.Randy Pausch's death.

He chose to look cancer & death in the eye, and continue to live strong.
It was an extreme act of courage, and hopefully will be the model others will choose to emulate.

Program Manager

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I have performed multi-discipline engineering on space launch vehicles, satellite command and control software, electronic medical records, and large data center operations.

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I have delivered management and technology consulting solutions for Deloitte, BearingPoint, Department of the Interior, TRICARE Military Health System, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Raytheon, Lockheed, Northrop, and Boeing on various projects in manufacturing, software development, systems engineering, testing, and ITIL management.