Saturday, June 23, 2007

Your management style : are you effective?

This 20 minute online test is a worthy predictor of your success (or at least mine) : Where did they come up with these words? delabate, implective, incentious, noragent, redulate, tertionary International Personality Item Pool :A Scientific Collaboratory for the Development of Advanced Measures of Personality and Other Individual Differences

Here are some more : (good Human Resources one if you have 5 minutes)


Anonymous said...

Apparently I am an egotistical slave driver. I hope that is because I guessed the meaning of a bunch of words and selected the wrong answers.

Regarding your quote about getting to the moon before having wheels on luggage. No surprise to me. We didn't seem to need wheels back then. People weren't so lazy and customer service was better.

People want to carry all their stuff on the plane since they can't trust the airlines to check it and have it returned in an undamaged and timely basis. And they are too lazy to carry it. Or want to bring more than they can carry. The whole thing just gets me all pissed off.

If it wasn't for those damn wheels, I wouldn't have to battle for my share of the overhead space on EVERY flight. You never used to see tiny little people toting giant suitcases, an overnight bag, AND a HUGE purse or computer bag onto the plane - and then try to cram all of it in the overhead. Half the time they can't even lift the damn things into the overhead and have to ask for help.

I wish the wimpy airlines would be stricter about this, but of course they don't want to lose a customer.

TestPilot said...

I hope that you don't mind, I am going to re-categorize this under "weary traveler".

Reading your response satisfied my Andy Rooney fix. I enjoyed hearing of your experience, I think you should have your own column.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I think I might actually look a bit like Andy Rooney after one of these long flights!!! Grrrrr....

Program Manager

As a technical leader, I develop a talent pipeline that can deliver client's expectations in a motivating and productive environment.

I have performed multi-discipline engineering on space launch vehicles, satellite command and control software, electronic medical records, and large data center operations.

I am seeking additional opportunities to deliver solutions internationally

resume MBA-Bard Center

I have delivered management and technology consulting solutions for Deloitte, BearingPoint, Department of the Interior, TRICARE Military Health System, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Raytheon, Lockheed, Northrop, and Boeing on various projects in manufacturing, software development, systems engineering, testing, and ITIL management.